
Building Megamenu Dropdown

Front supports Megamenu Dropdown, with the help of plugins that comes bundled with the theme namely : MAS Static Content plugin.

1. Static Content Post Type

A megamenu item in Front theme is a Static Content This Static Content is available on activating MAS Static Content Plugin.

2. Add a new megamenu item

  1. Navigate to Static Content > Add New.
  2. Give it a title, lets say “Pages Megamenu” item. The title is not used anywhere in displaying the menu.
  3. Click on Add block. It will display Gutenberg blocks choose the columns and add the Custom Html block inside the columns.
  4. Let us add a simple text block. Click on Add text block button and the result will look like this.
  5. Columns counts are configure right settings.
  6. Click on Publish button.

3. Adding megamenu item as a submenu to a menu item

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Menus.
  2. On top right corner of your screen, you will find a dropdown menu Screen Options. Click on it.
  3. In the dropdown that appears, check on Static Content Blocks under Show on screen. You will now see Static Content Blocks listed in the left side.
  1. Choose the menu you want to edit. In my case I’ve chose a menu that is hooked to Primary Menu location.
  2. Now check the Pages Megamenu item and click on Add to menu.
  3. Drag the Pages Megamenu box and drop it under any existing menu as a submenu.
  4. Click on Save Menu.
  5. Now the megamenu is added as a submenu.

Megamenu Models

For details please visit Megamenu Models.