Dark Footer

Footer is an area at the bottom of a document page that contains data common to other pages. The information in footers may include page numbers, creation dates, copyrights, or references that can appear on a single page, or on all pages.

Dark Footer style has four different footer versions.

Dark Footer Versions

Footer Dark Version 1

Footer Dark Version 2

Footer Dark Version 3

Footer Dark Version 4

Default footer style is Default and default footer version is Version 1. To change the footer style and footer version:

  • Navigate to Front.
  • Click on Footer Tab.
  • You will find Footer Style option with DefaultDark Background and Primary Background as three choices presented as dropdown.
  • You will find Footer Version option for Default Style has seventeen different versions, Dark Background has four different versions and Primary Background has six different version.
  • Choose the dropdown that represents the style and version of your choice and click on Save Changes.

Dark Footer Widgets Settings