Home page of Front Jobs is built using Gutenberg. It has 8 Main blocks and some additional / inner blocks.
Page Blocks Navigation
The Details
Jobs Hero Search
Block Navigation
Jobs Hero Search Settings
You can edit or change nav text and nav link in page editor.
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Enable Nav Link? | Toggle | You can enable or disable navlink | Enable |
Background Images? | Media | You can upload and select multiple images for background. | – |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Jobs Hero Search Form Settings
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Keywords Title | Text | Enter text for keywords label. | what |
Keywords Subtitle | Text | Enter text for keywords sub label. | job title, keywords, or company |
Keywords Placeholder | Text | Enter text for keywords Placeholder. | Keyword or title |
Location Title | Text | Enter text for Location label. | where |
Location Subtitle | Text | Enter text for Location sub label. | city, state, or zip code |
Location Placeholder | Text | Enter text for Location Placeholder. | City, state, or zip |
Search Button Text | Text | Enter text for Submit button. | Find Jobs |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |

Info Grid #9
You can edit or change info image, title, description, button text and button link of each info grid elements in page editor.
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Style 1 |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Columns | Range Control | You can choose width of column | lg = 3, sm = 2 |
Display Button | Toggle | You can enable or disable buttons | Enable |
Design | Select Control | You can select design for buttons. | Soft |
Background color | Select Control | You can select background color by color palette. | Primary |
Size | Select Control | You can select size for buttons. | Small |
Is wide? | Toggle | You can enable for button is wide. | Enable |
Is wide sm? | Toggle | You can enable for button is wide sm. | Disable |
Border Radius | Select Control | You can select button border radius. | Default |
Icon | Text | Enter your icon. | fa-angle-right |
Is Icon After Text? | Toggle | You can enable or disable icon after text. | Enable |
Is Icon Button? | Toggle | You can enable or disable icon is button. | Disable |
Is Transition? | Toggle | You can enable or disable button transition. | Disable |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Section With Divider
These blocks used to add separator line with the size of container width in between two blocks.
Block Navigation
Section Settings
You have to add “space-0” on Addition CSS Class(es)
Divider Settings
You have to set value of as “100“, choose the value “#e7eaf3” in Diver Color (Custom Color) and add “my-0” on Addition CSS Class(es)
Block Navigation
Jobs Settings
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Style 1 |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Display Background SVG ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable background SVG. | Disable |
Display Pretitle ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable block pretitle. | Disable |
Display Title ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable block title. | Enable |
Display Subtitle ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable block subtitle. | Enable |
Display Termtext ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable termtext. | Disable |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Jobs Content Settings
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | List Grid |
Columns | Range Control | You can choose width of columns. | 3 |
Limit | Range Control | You can select limits to display. | 9 |
Orderby | Select Control | Choose the order of your jobs, either by Title, Date, Id.. | Date |
Order | Select Control | Choose the order of your jobs to be displayed either in Ascending or Descending Order. | DESC |
Choose Category | Multi-Select | Choose the category(ies) to display. | None |
Is Featured ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable feature. | Disable |
Display Load More ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable load more option. | Enable |
Display Filters ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable filter option. | Disable |
Choose Type | Multi-Select | Choose the type(s) of jobs to display. | None |
Testimonial Carousel
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Style – 7 |
Testimonial Selector | Post Selector | You can search and choose decided testimonial(s) to display | None |
Testimonial Limit | Range Control | You can select limits to display. | 4 |
Order by | Select Control | Choose the order of testimonials | Newest to Oldest |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Display Section Title | Toggle | You can enable or disable title. | Enable |
Display Quote | Toggle | You can enable or disable Quote symbol. | Enable |
Display Author Name | Toggle | You can enable or disable testimonial author name. | Enable |
Display Author Designation | Toggle | You can enable or disable testimonial author designation. | Enable |
Display Author Image | Toggle | You can enable or disable testimonial author image. | Enable |
Display Author Message | Toggle | You can enable or disable testimonial message. | Enable |
Enable SVG Background | Toggle | You can enable or disable background SVG. | Enable |
Background Type | Select Control | Choose the type of the background | Gradient |
Background Color | Select Control | Choose the type of the background color | Gradient Half Primary v1 |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Carousel – 1 |
Columns | Range Control | You can choose width of column | xl = 6, lg = 6, md = 4, sm = 3 xs = 3 |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Crop Image | Toggle | You can enable or disable clients image crop. | Enable |
Link To | Select Control | You can choose the method of image on click. | None |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | space-2 |
This block used to add separator line in between two blocks.
You have to set value of as “100“, choose the value “#e7eaf3” in Diver Color (Custom Color) and add “my-0” on Addition CSS Class(es)
Info Section #11
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Align | Select Control | You can select Image position of the blocks. | Align Left |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Display Title | Toggle | You can enable or disable block title. | Enable |
Display Description | Toggle | You can enable or disable block description. | Enable |
Display List Items | Toggle | You can enable or disable list items of the block | Enable |
Display Mobile Image | Toggle | You can enable or disable block image. | Enable |
Limit | Range Control | You can choose limit of list items to display | 3 |
Icon Settings | Icon Control | Enter your icon class or select available icon. | fas fa-check |
Title Color | Color Palette | You can select any color for the title from color palette. | Dark |
Description color | Color Palette | You can select any color for the description from color palette. | Secondary |
List Item Icon Color | Color Palette | You can select any color for the list item icon from color palette. | Success |
List Item Title Color | Color Palette | You can select any color for the list item text from color palette. | Secondary |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Stats Statics
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Static – 2 |
Limit | Range Control | You can choose limit of stats to display | 3 |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Columns | Range Contro | You can choose width of each column | lg = 3, sm = 2 |
Title Color | Color Palette | You can select any color for the title from color palette. | Primary |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | space-bottom-2 space-bottom-md-3 |
Section With Divider
These blocks used to add separator line with the size of container width in between two blocks.
Block Navigation
Section Settings
You have to add “space-0” on Addition CSS Class(es)
Divider Settings
You have to set value of as “100“, choose the value “#e7eaf3” in Diver Color (Custom Color) and add “my-0” on Addition CSS Class(es)
Block Navigation
Jobs Settings
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Style 2 |
Enable Container | Toggle | You can enable or disable block container. | Enable |
Display Background SVG ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable background SVG. | Enable |
Overflow Background SVG ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable overflow background SVG. | Disable |
Display Title ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable block title. | Enable |
Display Navlink ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable block nav link. | Enable |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Jobs Content Settings
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select Control | You can select layout style version. | Grid Small |
Columns | Range Control | You can choose width of columns. | 3 |
Limit | Range Control | You can select limits to display. | 6 |
Orderby | Select Control | Choose the order of your jobs, either by Title, Date, Id.. | Date |
Order | Select Control | Choose the order of your jobs to be displayed either in Ascending or Descending Order. | DESC |
Choose Category | Multi-Select | Choose the category(ies) to display. | None |
Is Featured ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable feature. | Disable |
Display Load More ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable load more option. | Disable |
Display Filters ? | Toggle | You can enable or disable filter option. | Disable |
Choose Type | Multi-Select | Choose the type(s) of jobs to display. | None |