Enter your block heading by using section block. Add Columns block as section blocks’s inner.
Block Navigation

Section Block

Field | Type | Description | Default |
Layout | Select | You can select layout style verion. | Default |
Font size | Select | Select your font size or type font size in pixels. | Large |
Font Weight | Select | Select your font weight or type font weight in pixels. | Font Normal |
Enable Container | Toggle | Enable container to add container class | Enable |
Enable Inner Section Maxwidth | Toggle | Enable Inner Section Maxwidth to apply max width for inner blocks | Enable |
Enable Pretitle | Toggle | Enable to add pretitle to your block | Enable |
Enable Title | Toggle | Enable to add Title to your block | Enable |
Enable Description | Toggle | Enable to add Description to your block | Disable |
Additional CSS Class | Text | Enter additional class name. | None |
Column Block
In columns block set no of column as 3 with column width 4 for each column.
- In columns block add no of column as 3.
- Set column Width 4 for all 3 columns.
- Add Case Breakdown list as innerblock for each column.
Case Breakdown List settings

General Settings
- You can set list limit by using range control.
- Add Title for each column. Title text can be edited in editor.
- Add list content for each column
Case Breakdown List Output