Info Grid #4

Grid style #4 of informative blocks/components.

Block Settings

General Settings

Limit: Drag the slider to set the total number of blocks to be displayed. set 2 as the default limit.

Enable Container: Enable or Disable container class.

Display Header: Enable to show header options.

Display PreTitle: Enable to show block’s PreTitle.Set default as Enable.

Display Title: Enable to show block Title.Set default as Enable.

Button Settings

Enable Button: Enable to show button in the grid block.

Buttons allow you to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.

  • Button Design: There are 4 button designs are available.Default button is chosen as default design.
  • Button Background: Choose the background color for your button. Primary background color is chosen as default.
  • Is wide: Enable for wide button. The default is Enable
  • Button Size: Extra Small, Small, Default and Large button size are available. The default size value for this block is Default
  • Button Border Radius: Rounded, Default, Pill and Circle are the available border radius. The default border radius is Default
  • Enable Transition: Enable or disable transition effect for button. set Disable option as default.

Additional CSS Class

Add extra class name for the block.

Block Output