
Lightweight, flexible component for showcasing hero unit style content.

Block Settings

General Settings

  • Display Title: Enable or disable title. Default: Enable
  • Display Button: Enable or disable button. Default: Enable

Background Image Setting

Backgrounds have a significant impact on the design of a website. They help create a site’s look and feel. Import a image from your media library or upload a new one.

Button settings

Buttons allow you to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.

  • Button Design: There are 4 button designs are available. In default, Default button design is chosen.
  • Button Background: Choose the background color for your button. White background color is chosen as default.
  • Button Size: Extra Small, Small, Default and Large button size are available. The default size value for this block is Small
  • Button Border Radius: Rounded, Default, Pill and Circle are the available border radius. The default border radius is Pill
  • Button Icon: You can choose the icons for the button block. In default no icons are used for Deals Product button.
  • Is Icon After text: Enable or disable the icon to position before the button text. set Disable option as default.
  • Is Icon Button?: Enable or disable only icon ( without text ) as button. set Disable option as default.
  • Enable Transition: Enable or disable transition effect for button. set Enable option as default.

Additional CSS Class

Enter the additional class name

Block Output