Adding Class Name for Single Image which extend outside of the content area in Vertical Menu

  1. Navigate to Static Content > Add New.
  2. Give it a title, lets say “Cameras, Audio & Video Megamenu
    “. The title is not used anywhere in displaying the menu.
  3. Click on Edit with King Composer. It will display King Composer
    Backend Editor. We will use this back end editor to build our Cameras, Audio &
    Video Megamenu Item.
  4. Cameras, Audio & Video Megamenu Item has 2 rows.
  5. First row has Single Image Setting.
    Here is the screenshot for Single Image Setting.
  6. On the Row settings of the
    Single Image Block, add the class name bg-yamm-
    in Extra Class Name option. Here is the screenshot
    for your refenece

Output of Single Image which extend outside of the content area in Vertical Menu