• Upload an image: If you have a cool picture that you want to display on the 404 page you can upload it here.
  • 404 Title: Enter the error page title. Default text: 404
  • 404 Image Upload: This setting allows you to upload an image for 404 page. This option will show only for Illustration style.
  • Subtitle: Enter the error page subtitle. Default: We can’t seem to find the page you are looking for.
  • Link Title: Enter the error page link title. Default: Here are some helpful links instead:
  • 404 Style: Select the style for 404 page. Default: Simple
  • “Back to Home” button color: Choose the button color. Default: primary
  • Homepage Link: Enter the homepage link. Default: #
  • Search Link: Enter search page link.
  • Help & Support Link: Enter help and support page link.