
Uneno has 5 header styles.

Header Styles

Header v1

Header v2

Header v3

Header v4

Header blog

Choosing a Header Style

Header v1 is chosen by default header. To change the header style :

  1. Navigate to Uneno.
  2. Click on Header Tab.
  3. You will find Header Style option with Header v1, Header v2, Header v3, Header v4 and Header blog as five choices presented as dropdown.
  4. Choose the dropdown that represents the style of your choice and click on Save Changes.

Adding Logo as Image

You can upload your logo from Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Logo.

Adding SVG Logo

You can add a SVG logo by copying the file uneno/templates/global/logo-svg.php into your child theme like uneno-child/templates/global/logo-svg.php and paste your SVG code into this file and enable SVG logo from theme options. Here is the screenshot for your reference: 

Note: You should have width and height values for the SVG logo otherwise the SVG will not display and use cls as class name in path to apply theme color for the SVG logo. Here is the example screenshot: