General Settings
- No of slides: You can select the number of slider.
- No of side banner: You can select the number of side banner.
- Background color: Choose slide’s background color by color palatte.
Slide settings
- Background image: Upload slider background image.
- Enable pretitle: Enable or Disable pretitle.
- Display title: Enable or Disable title.
- Display subtitle: Enable or Disable subtitle.
- Display button: Enable or Disable button.
- Pretitle animation: Choose pretitle animation.
- Pretitle delay: Choose pretitle delay.
- Title animation: Choose title animation.
- Title delay: Choose Title delay.
- Subtitle animation: Choose subtitle animation.
- Subtitle delay: Choose Subtitle delay.
Button Settings
- Button Design: Choose button design solid or outline.
- Button Animation: Select animation style.
- Button Delay: Select delay
- Button size: Select size.
- Button shape: Select shape.
- Enable Shadow: Enable or disable button shadow.
- Background color: Select button background color by using color palette.
- Icon: Select button icon.
- Is icon button: Enable or disable button is icon.
- Icon after text: Enable or disable Icon is after text.
Banner Settings
- Background Image: Upload banner background image.
- URL: Enter banner URL.
- Background color: Choose banner background color in color palette.
- Banner text color: Choose banner text color in color palette.
- You can hide the block in Desktop, Tablet or Mobile views.
- You can add additional class in Advanced.