Products Simple






  • You can choose Product Simple style. Grid and List styles are available


Product Type

  • Choose which product type you want to display in this blocks.
  • Select the products to display by Orderby.
  • Select the products to display by Order.
  • Limit: Drag the slider to select number of products you want to display. set 8 as the default no of product.
  • Enable or Disable Container.
  • Drag and select columns for all screen sizes.
  • Enable or Disable On Sale.
  • Enable or Disable Best Selling.
  • Enable or Disable Top Rated.
  • Enable or Disable Featured.

Block Title ?

  • Enable or Disable Block Title.
  • Customize size, color, tag, align for block title.

Block Description ?

  • Enable or Disable Block Descripton.
  • Customize size, color, tag, align for block description.

Product Image ?

  • Drag and selelct product image border radius.

Product Format ?

  • Enable or DisableĀ Product Format.
  • Customize size, color, tag for product format.

Product Title ?

  • Enable or Disable Product Title.
  • Customize size, color, tag for product title.

Product Author ?

  • Enable or Disable Product Author.
  • Customize size, color, tag for product author.

Product Price ?

  • Enable or Disable Product Price.
  • Customize size, color, tag for product price.

Add to cart ?

  • Enable or Disable Add to Cart.
  • Customize size, color, tag foradd to cart.

Compare ?

  • Enable or DisableĀ Compare.
  • Customize size, color, tag for compare.

Whislist ?

  • Enable or Disable Wishlist
  • Customize size, color, tag for product format.


Drag and select spacing (margin-bottom) for text.

Block Spacing

  • You can adjust block spacing


  • You can hide block Desktop, Tablet, Mobile.
  • You can add additional class in Advanced.

Custom CSS

  • You can use this area to further customize your block. Any custom CSS added here will only affect this block.


  • You can add additional class in Advanced.