
Allows you to add terms to your page.


TaxonomyTextEnter taxonomy name.none
DesignationTextDesignation of a team member.none
Order byTextSet the order of the carousel to be Displayeddate
OrderTextSet the Carousel in Ascending or Descending Order.ASC
Hide Empty?TextWhether to hide terms not assigned to any posts. Accepts 1 or 0. Default 0.none
Include IDsTextEnter terms ids to icludenone
Exclude IDsTextEnter terms ids to excludenone
NumberTextMaximum number of terms to return. Accepts 0 (all) or any positive number. Default 0 (all).none
OffsetTextThe number by which to offset the terms query.none
NameTextEnter term namenone
SlugTextEnter term slugnone
HierarchicalTextWhether to include terms that have non-empty descendants. Accepts 1 (true) or 0 (false). Default 1 (true)none
Child OfTextTerm ID to retrieve child terms of. If multiple taxonomies are passed, child_of is ignored. Default 0.0
Include Child Of TeamTextInclude “Child Of” term in the terms list. Accepts 1 (yes) or 0 (no). Default 1.1
ParentTextEnter term parentnone