Deals Cards Carousel

Allows you to add deals cards carousel on your page.


TitleTextEnter title.None
ShortcodeSelectChoose the shortcode product to displayedNone
LimitTextNumber of Products to be displayed.None
Order byTextSet the order of the carousel to be Displayeddate
OrderTextSet the Carousel in Ascending or Descending Order.ASC
Product IDTextEnter product idnone
CategoryTextEnter Product Category Shortcodenone
Header NavigationCheckboxEnable or disable Header Navigationnone
Header TimerCheckboxEnable or disable Header Timernone
Timer ValueTextEnter the Timer ValueNone
SlideToShowTextEnter the number of items to displayednone
SlideToScrollTextEnter the number of items to scrollnone
DotsCheckboxEnable or Disable Dotsdate
Extra Class nameTextAdditional classes that may be applied to the banner.none

Sample Output