Allows you to add carousel with featured product on your page.
Field | Type | Description | Default |
Section Title | Text | Enter section title. | none |
Header Align | Checkbox | Enter header alignment. | none |
Tabs Title | Text | Enter Tabs title. | none |
Shortcodes | Select | Choose the Shortcode of the product to be Displayed | Featured Product |
Limit | Text | Number of products to be displayed | none |
Order by | Text | Set the order of the carousel to be Displayed | date |
Order | Text | Set the Carousel in Ascending or Descending Order. | ASC |
Template | Text | Enter product template | none |
Product ID | Text | IDs of the products that you want to show in the grid separated by comma. | none |
Category | Text | Enter Product Category Shortcode | none |
Shortcode Featured | Select | select shortcode featured | none |
Product IDs Featured | Text | IDs of the products that you want to show in the grid separated by comma | none |
category Featured | Text | IDs of the products that you want to show in the grid separated by comma | none |
Infinite | Checkbox | Enable or Disable Infinite Carousel. | none |
Rows | Text | Enter the number of rows to display. | none |
SlidesPerRow | Text | Enter the number of items to display in a row. | 2 |
SlideToShow | Text | Enter the number of items to displayed. | none |
SlideToScroll | Text | Enter the number of items to scroll. | none |
Dots | Checkbox | Enable or Disable Dots . | none |
Arrows | Checkbox | Enable or Disable Arrows | name |
Extra Class name | Text | Additional classes that may be applied to the section. | none |