Products Carousel Tabs with Featured Products

Allows you to add carousel with featured product on your page.


Section TitleTextEnter section title.none
Header AlignCheckboxEnter header alignment.none
Tabs TitleTextEnter Tabs title.none
ShortcodesSelectChoose the Shortcode of the product to be DisplayedFeatured Product
LimitTextNumber of products to be displayednone
Order byTextSet the order of the carousel to be Displayeddate
OrderTextSet the Carousel in Ascending or Descending Order.ASC
TemplateTextEnter product templatenone
Product IDTextIDs of the products that you want to show in the grid separated by comma.none
CategoryTextEnter Product Category Shortcodenone
Shortcode FeaturedSelectselect shortcode featurednone
Product IDs FeaturedTextIDs of the products that you want to show in the grid separated by commanone
category FeaturedTextIDs of the products that you want to show in the grid separated by commanone
InfiniteCheckboxEnable or Disable Infinite Carousel.none
RowsTextEnter the number of rows to display.none
SlidesPerRowTextEnter the number of items to display in a row.2
SlideToShowTextEnter the number of items to displayed.none
SlideToScrollTextEnter the number of items to scroll.none
DotsCheckboxEnable or Disable Dots .none
ArrowsCheckboxEnable or Disable Arrowsname
Extra Class nameTextAdditional classes that may be applied to the section.none

Sample Output