Single Product Layout
In Theloke theme, the Single Product Page can be displayed in 3 available layouts which are :
1. Left Sidebar – This is the default layout of Single Product page in our theme. It has a content section occupying 75% of the screen and a widgetized sidebar section to its left occupying 25% of the screen.
2. Right Sidebar – This layout is same as the Left Sidebar layout except that the sidebar section is in the right side of the screen.
3. Full-width – This layout does not contain any sidebars. The entire screen has the content section.
Single Product Styles
Output of Style-v1
Output of Style-v2
Output of Style-v3
Output of Style-v4
Output of Style-v5
Single Product page has five different styles of view. You can achieve the style by choosing Product Style option in Edit Product or Add Product page.