
Options that apply to header related to all pages. The header has 16 different styles. You can access this option from Theloke > Header

All the header has the following options

  • Header Style
  • Off Canvas Cart ?

Header Style

You will find Header Style option with Header v1, Header v2, Header v3, Header v4, Header v5, Header v6, Header v7, Header v8, Header v9, Header v10, Header v11, Header v12, Header v13, Header v14, Header v15, Comingsoon Header as sixteen choices presented as dropdown. Choose the dropdown that represents the style of your choice and click on Save Changes.

Off Canvas Cart ?

You can enable and disable the offcanvas cart.

Header v4, Header v6, Header 7, Header 8 and Header 14 has following options

  • Phone title
  • Phone Number

Phone title

Enter title of the phone number.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number to contact.

Header v6, Header v7, Header v8 and Header 14 has following option

  • Phone Icon

Phone Icon

Enter the icon class to display before phone number

Header v6 has following option

  • Location


Enter the pincode of the location

Header v7, Header v8 and Header v9 has following option

  • Store Finder

Store Finder

Enter the label of the store finder