
Navigate to Vodi > Videos to customize Videos.


Archive Layout

Here you can specify the layout that is applied to Videos on your site. Vodi allows you to display your Archive layout in 3 different layouts. A sidebar layout is available only if an active sidebar is present.

  • Right Sidebar – The Archive page will have 2 columns divided roughly into 75% and 25%. The 75% of the screen is the main content and it displays the blog posts. The 25% screen of the screen is the sidebar and it displays widgets. As the name suggests, the sidebar will be to the right side of the screen.
  • Left Sidebar – This is the default layout. Same as Sidebar Right except that the Sidebar appears to the left of the screen.
  • Full-width – This layout does not display any sidebars. The Full-width layout can have be widely dense which means the content section occupies from left to right ends or narrowly dense which means the content section will be only 75% wide as in sidebar layouts but aligned centered.


You can Select two types of theme for Videos pages.

  • Dark
  • Light

Number of Videos in a Row

  • Drag the slider to set the number of rows per page to be listed on the Videos page.

Number of Videos in a Columns

  • Drag the slider to set the number of columns for displaying in Videos page.

Single Video


  • You can select style for Video pages. There are six types of Styles Available. Style-v1 is Default.