TV Shows

Navigate to Vodi > TV Shows to customize TV Shows.


Archive Layout

Here you can specify the layout that is applied to TV Shows on your site. Vodi allows you to display your Archive layout in 3 different layouts. A sidebar layout is available only if an active sidebar is present.

  • Right Sidebar – The Archive page will have 2 columns divided roughly into 75% and 25%. The 75% of the screen is the main content and it displays the blog posts. The 25% screen of the screen is the sidebar and it displays widgets. As the name suggests, the sidebar will be to the right side of the screen.
  • Left Sidebar – This is the default layout. Same as Sidebar Right except that the Sidebar appears to the left of the screen.
  • Full-width – This layout does not display any sidebars. The Full-width layout can have be widely dense which means the content section occupies from left to right ends or narrowly dense which means the content section will be only 75% wide as in sidebar layouts but aligned centered.


You can Select two types of theme for TV Shows pages.

  • Dark
  • Light

Number of TV Shows in a Row

  • Drag the slider to set the number of rows per page to be listed on the TV shows page.

Number of TV Shows Columns

  • Drag the slider to set the number of columns for displaying episodes in TV Shows page.

Select Tags

  • Select tags for the TV Shows page.

TV Shows Page Jumbotron

  • A TV Show page Jumbotron is a HTML block that appears above the Shop page. A static block added from Static Content > Add New is used as a jumbotron. This static block can be any HTML block.

Archive Views

  • Archive Page has 4 different views GridGrid ExtendedList Large, List Small and List. You can drag and arrange the views. Top most view will be the default view.

Single Episode


  • You can select style for Episode pages. There are four types of Styles Available. Style-v1 is Default.