Videos Carousel Aside Header


Section Title Text Enter Section title

Featured TV Episode Premieres

Section Sub Title Text Enter Section sub title

Action Text Text Enter action text you can add more action text
Action Link Text Enter action URL you can add more action URL
Header Position Selection You can select Left and Right header alignment Right
Background Color Selection You can select Dark and light BG Default
Style Selection You can select style version  Style-v1
LimitRange ControlDrag the slider to set the total number of videos to be displayed12
ColumnsRange ControlDrag the slider to set the number of columns to be displayed4
Order by Text Defaults to ‘Date’. One or more options can be passed Date
OrderSelect ControlChoose the order of your videos to be displayed either in Ascending or Descending Order.ASC
Search PostTextSearch the video by id or nameNone
Search TermTextSearch the video by category slugNone
Featured Checkbox Select featured video Disable
Top Rated Checkbox Select top rated video Disable
Carousel ArgsPanel BodyChoose the below carousel arguments
Slide To ShowRange ControlDrag the slider to set the number of videos to show4
Slide To ScrollRange ControlDrag the slider to set the number of videos to scroll4
DotsCheckboxCheck to show carousel dotsuncheck
ArrowsCheckboxCheck to show carousel arrowschecked
AutoplayCheckboxCheck to autoplay carouseluncheck
Infinte ScrollCheckboxCheck to infinte scroll carouseluncheck
Design OptionsPanel BodyAdjust the block by margin and padding valuesNone
Padding TopRange ControlEnter number pixel to add padding top.None
Padding BottomRange ControlEnter number pixel to add padding bottom.None
Padding LeftRange ControlEnter number pixel to add padding left.None
Padding RightRange ControlEnter number pixel to add padding right.None
Margin TopRange ControlEnter number pixel to add margin top.None
Margin BottomRange ControlEnter number pixel to add margin bottom.None
Margin LeftRange ControlEnter number pixel to add margin left.None
Margin RightRange ControlEnter number pixel to add margin right.None
Additional CSS ClassTextEnter additional class name.None

Sample output