
Options that apply to shop page and other pages related to shop. You can access this option from Pizzaro > Shop


Catalog Mode

Enable/disable catalog mode. When enabled the catalog mode will remove shopping cart functionalities by replacing all Add to Cart buttons with View Product button which will link to Single Product page. The header mini cart will also be removed.

Food Type Attribute

Assign a product attribute as a Food Type attribute. The assigned product attribute will now have an option to upload icon for food type.

Shop/Catalog Pages

Shop Page Layout

In Pizzaro theme, the Shop Page can be displayed in 3 available layouts which are :

  • Left Sidebar – This is the default layout of Shop page in our theme. It has a content section occupying 75% of the screen and a widgetized sidebar section to its left occupying 25% of the screen.
  • Right Sidebar – This layout is same as the Left Sidebar layout except that the sidebar section is in the right side of the screen.
  • Full-width – This layout does not contain any sidebars. The entire screen has the content section.

You can select the layout of the shop from Pizzaro > Shop > Shop/Catalog Pages > Shop Page Layout.

Shop Page View

Product Archive/Shop Page has 3 different views Grid, List and List Without Image.

Number of Products Columns

In Product Archive/Shop Page, product items can be displayed by choosing number of columns. Drag the slider to set the number of columns for displaying products in shop and catalog pages.

You can select the Product Columns under Pizzaro > Shop > Shop/Catalog Pages > Number of Product Columns.

Number of Products per page

Once we have chosen the shop layout, we’ll have the number of product items displayed per row. The number of product items per page is recommended to be a multiple of the number of product items displayed per row.

You can set the number of items displayed from Pizzaro > Shop > Shop/Catalog Pages > Number of Products Per Page.

Number of Product Sub-categories columns

Drag the slider to set the number of columns for displaying product sub-categories in shop and catalog pages.

Single Product Page

Single Product Style

In Pizzaro theme, like Shop page Single Product Page can be displayed in 3 different Styles, you can choose the style as you like in Single Product Style option.

Create Your Own Button

This is simple link that appears in shop page top under the header. That button used to user can navigate some pages.

Button Text

To add the button text.

Button Link

To add the button link.

YITH Add-ons Options

This is YITH product options visula changes.

Default Radio Style

To display the product radio button option in default view.

Show on Shop Archive

By default product options are not show in shop and home pages. Here selected options are only displayed in shop and home pages.