
Options that apply to footer related to all pages. You can access this option from Pizzaro > Footer

Footer Style

You will find Footer Style option with Footer v1, Footer v2, Footer v3, Footer v4 and Footer v5 as five choices presented as dropdown. Choose the dropdown that represents the style of your choice and click on Save Changes.

Footer Before Content

A static block added from Static Blocks > Add New is used as a Footer Before Content. This static block can be used as show the instgramm feeds in footer before.

Store Timings Section


To add the label for store times like ‘Monday – Thursday’.


To add sotre opening times like ’11:00 – 21:00′.

Contact Form Section

Concact form is displayed only in footer v2 version.


To add the contact form title like ‘Write Hello to Pizzaro’.


To add your form shortcode or content , created by contact form v7 or any other.

Site Address Section


To add the store addresses. This store address are displyed in footer v1 and v4 footers.

Footer Payment Icons Section


To add the payment icons. This payment icons are displyed in footer v3.

Footer About Section

Footer About Section are displyed in footer v2 only.


To configure the footer about section image.


Add the title for footer about section.


Add the description for footer about section.

Button Text

Add button label for footer about section.

Button Link

Add button link for footer about section.

Footer Action Button

To configure the footer v1 map button.

Icon Class

Add the icon of the button.

Button Text

Add the button text.