
After purchase

Once you have made the purchase of the Pizzaro you will find it available for download in your ThemeForest Downloads page. Click on Download and you will a dropdown will popup with following options :

  1. All files & documentation  – This is the full download package. Its a zip file and will be named like this We recommend downloading this file if you are installing the theme for the first time. Please note that this zip file is not the theme file and should not be uploaded to WP. If you upload this zip file, you will get missing stylesheet error.
  2. Installable WordPress file only – This is the installable WordPress file. We recommend downloading this file if you are updating the theme. This file is named This file is also contained within inside
  3. License certificate & purchase code (PDF) – Contains the license certificate and purchase code in PDF format.
  4. License certificate & purchase code (text) – Contains the license certificate and purchase code in txt format.

We recommend that you download All files & Documentation (the entire package) however you can simply download installable WordPress file only if you just want the WP theme file.

The Download Package

If you have downloaded All files & documentation, a file named is downloaded x.x.x will point to the version of the theme.

The zip file contains :

  • theme-files
    • – The actual theme file that should be upload to your WordPress website.
    • – The child theme which should also be uploaded after which is the parent theme
  • dummy-data
    • – The demo slider used in Home v1
    • – The demo slider used in Home v2
    • – The demo slider used in Home v5
    • – The demo slider used in Home v6
    • – The demo slider used in Home v7
    • dummy-data.tar.gz – The tar zipped dummy-data.xml, can be used if you have a low upload file maxsize.
    • dummy-data.xml – The dummy data which gives on import will give you a website like this :
    • dummy-data-home-kc.xml – The dummy data for Home pages which are built using King Composer
    • widgets.wie – Widgets import export file
    • redux-options.json – The export file of theme options
  • licensing – This folder contains various licensing files of plugins and open source code used by the theme.
  • changelog.txt – This file contains the log of latest releases.
  • readme_first.txt – Contains links to documentation, support, getting started with WooCommerce and WordPress

Installing the theme is the theme file andcan be found inside the theme-files folder within unzipped download package or downloaded directly as Installable WordPress file from ThemeForest downloads page. You can install the theme via 2 ways :

Using WordPress Upload

  1. Login to your WordPress admin.
  2. In the Appearance > Themes menu click the tab Install Themes
  3. At the top of the page click, Upload, then click the file input to select a file.
  4. Select the zipped theme file, and click Install Now
  5. After installation you will receive a success message confirming your new install.
  6. Click the link “Activate”

via FTP

  1. Login to your FTP server and navigate to your WordPress themes directory.
  2. Normally this would be wp-content/themes
  3. Extract file.
  4. Copy the folder pizzaro to your themes directory.
  5. After the files finish uploading, login to your WordPress admin.
  6. In the Appearance menu click Themes
  7. Click Activate for the theme Pizzaro

Installing the child theme file is the child theme file and can be found inside the theme-files folder within unzipped download package. We highly recommend the use of child themes. To install the child theme, you will have to use either of the above 2 methods with the file

Installing Plugins

  1. After you have activated your theme, you’ll see a notice about required plugins for Pizzaro, to proceed click Begin installing plugins.
  2. On clicking on it, you will be redirected to Install Required Plugins Page. Alternatively this page can be accessed from Appearance > Install Plugins as well.
  3. You will now see a list of plugins required and recommended for use with this theme. Click on the Select All checkbox to select plugins.
  4. Click on Bulk Actions dropdown menu, choose Install dropdown option and click the Apply button.
  5. If all plugins are installed successfully, you will be redirected to WP Plugins page.
  6. In case you encounter any problems, try installing theme one by one.
  7. After you have installed all the plugins, activate them by navigating to Plugins page, select the required plugins, choose activate from the dropdown option and click on Apply button.

You have now successfully installed and activated the plugins required for Pizzaro WordPress Theme.

Common Issues

Missing style sheet error when installing the theme