Installation & Updates

Will I be notified if an update is available ?

You will be notified about updates only if you have installed and configured Envato Market plugin. There will be no notifications via email.

How to update the theme ?

The theme can be updated in 3 ways :

1. Automatically : You can use Envato Market plugin to update the theme automatically. Instructions here :

2. Semi-Automatically : Sometimes (1) does not work. You should install this plugin : , download the latest installable WP theme zip file from your Themeforest downloads page and then upload it via Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme and upload the zip file. The “easy upgrades” plugin will backup the old theme and install the new one.

3. Manually : You should download the latest installable WP theme from your themeforest downloads page, rename your current theme folder in wp-content/themes folder, unzip the downloaded WP theme from your Themeforest downloads page and upload it to wp-content/themes folder.

Please note that updating a theme will override any custom changes that you make to the parent theme. Hence we recommend using a child theme. A child theme is not meant to be updated and should contain only your custom changes.

My support has expired. Can I update the theme ?

Yes, updates are available for the lifetime of the theme. You can update the theme even after support expiry.