Video CSV Importer

MAS Videos has a built-in video CSV importer.

Import or update hundreds or thousands of videos in your MAS Videos site with a single CSV.

  • First-time users get started more quickly by exporting and importing videos during setup
  • Existing users can update tens or hundreds of videos with new info

Create your CSV

To import new videos or update existing videos, you need a CSV containing your video information. You can:



  • CSVs should be in UTF-8 format.
  • Dates should be defined for the store’s local timezone.
  • Use 1 or 0 in your CSV, if importing a Boolean value (true or false)
  • Multiple values in a field get separated with commas.
  • Wrapping values in quotes allows you to insert a comma.
  • Prefix the id with id: if referencing an existing video ID. For example: id:100
  • Custom meta is supported/imported but only plain text – no support for JSON or Serialized data.
  • Taxonomy term hierarchy is denoted with >, terms are separated with commas.
  • Draft videos are not exported, only published and privately published videos.


  • Images need to be pre-uploaded or available online to import to your site.
  • External URLs are supported and imported into the Media Library if used.
  • You can define the filename if the image already exists in the Media Library.


Adding New Videos

First-time and existing users using MAS Videos can use the CSV to add new videos with one upload.

1/ Go to: Tools > Import > MAS Videos Videos (CSV).

2/ Select Run Importer link. The Upload CSV File screen displays.

3/ Select Choose File and the CSV you wish you use.

CSV delimiter (Advanced option): Generally CSV elements are separated by a comma. If you are using a different delimiter in your file, you can set it here.

Tick the checkbox for Update Existing Videos.

4/ Continue.

The Column Mapping screen displays, and MAS Videos automatically attempts to match or “map” the Column Name from your CSV to Fields.

5/ Use dropdown menus on the right side to adjust fields or indicate ‘Do not import.’

*Any unrecognized columns will not be imported by default.

6/ Select Run the Importer.

7/ Wait until the Importer is finished. Do not refresh or touch the browser while in progress.