Detail view of Vertical-menu.

Class name “vertical-menu d-none d-xl-flex” added in additional class name field.
4-Column Megamenu

Add a class name( “has-mega-menu col-4” ) in additional css class name field for the mentioned menu title above image.

3-Column Megamenu

Add a class name( “has-mega-menu col-3” ) in additional css class name field for the mentioned menu title above image.

3-Column Megamenu With Dark Background

Add a class name( “has-mega-menu bg-dark col-3” ) in additional css class name field for the mentioned menu title above image.

Add a class name ( “mega-menu-title” ) in additional css class field on every column to display megamenu.

To display image in the megamenu you have to add this (“mega-menu-title relative z-1“) classname in each column of the megamenu .

If you add an image to a megamenu custom link should add a class name ( “bg-img” ) in additional css class name field.